dimanche 30 janvier 2011

after about four attempts...

This is, sadly enough, my fourth time at writing this blog. Don't get me wrong, it's not because I have writers block, or that it is an incredibly noteworthy or intellectual blog that requires high quantities of brain power. I just keep forgetting, turning my computer off and losing my half completed not yet posted blogs (so I look a little like this... >_< ). Sigh....

So, it's about bedtime, and I thought that if I don't get this blog down now, the thought of its uncompletedness will fester away in some area of my brain til it drives me spare!!! (then i'll try and blog from work on my iPhone, which is just plain tedious!!). So, after all of that!! :

It was Philip's birthday on Australia Day, and I wasn't really sure what to get him. After some thought, seeing how taken he was to Perth's Yum-Cha delights, I decided to make him plushie Yum-Cha, so he can enjoy it all year around :)

Investing in the help of my partner in craft crime, Lisa, we conjured some pretty good plushies in the likeness of sushi (with avocado, as Philip doesn't like the fishy ones), dumplings and prawns. I think they are simply adorable, and I think Philip did too, listening to his reaction as he opened them over the phone ^_^

I don't know about the rest of you, but I thought the bamboo steamer was such a cute touch (and as it turns out, a pretty good way to transport said gifts!).

I'd love to see what delicacies you are crafting up :)

Happy crafting!

|| pip ||

dimanche 23 janvier 2011

crocheting for a cause....

This week, I found an amazing cause which is aiming to help victims of the horrendous Queensland floods. As I was in Queensland at the time, I was very thankful that the areas in which I was staying - Townsville and Mackay - were spared the torrential downpour. Many other places, however, were not so lucky.

So I have decided to chip in and contribute towards this fabulous idea, the brainchild of Sarah London - Crochet a Rainbow.

The idea behind Crochet a Rainbow is to get lots of people to crochet a few granny sqaures each (or however many they wish!) and to send to Sarah, who will make them into throw rugs for the victims.

I'm sure many of us remember having beautiful crocheted rugs when we were younger (my mum still has mine ^_^ ) and I hope that these gorgeous homemade blankets will provide a bit of comfort to those displaced from their homes.

Please, if you can crochet, pick up your hook and get to it!!! Sign up at http://sarahlondon.wordpress.com/crochet-a-rainbow/ now! And if you don't know how to crochet, now is the perfect time to learn!!!

All the best, and happy crocheting!

|| pip ||

jeudi 6 janvier 2011

clutching a whole new fiction...

I first saw these book clutches by French designer Olympia Le-Tan heralded down the glamorous red carpet by no other than Natalie Portman, and quite simply, it was love at first sight!

Le-Tan has released a range of these purses, hand-stitched versions of 20th century classic fiction book covers, such as the following:

The new collection "You can't judge a book by it's cover" and other "stuff" can be found at http://www.olympialetan.com/ .

Since I am becoming perhaps maybe half a wizz at book safes, I thought I'd give one of these a try (but don't hold me to the whole hand-stitched perfect French clutch thing... It may well end up being held together by duct tape >_< ). I think Lisa has even set up a Crafternoon in order to have a stab at these babies ^_^ !

On the topic of books, etc, I just finished reading The Desert Spear, the second installment of Peter V. Brett's Demon Cycle (I think that is what is called...) series. Anyway, awesome stuff if you're like me, and the classical literature gets a bit heavy and boring, and you like to grab for the nearest fantasy book.... Or let it be recommended to you by a close friend... *cough* Lisa. If you're bored this holidays, or stuck with nothing much to do at work, grab the first book, The Painted Man, and start tearing through it - it's some good stuff! At the least, check out the author's website. Anyway, how cool are these photos I found on there? People who have created stuff with wards (like magical symbols) depicted in the book? I was pretty impressed :)

Lanterns with wards painted on 

Warded charm bracelet  

Warded ring

So cool (and nerdy) I'm tempted to try and recreate ^_^

|| pip ||

mardi 4 janvier 2011

...back to originals ... origami ^_^

Back when I still lived at home with the family in Brunswick (nb: near Bunbury aka: Funbury), I went through a bit of an origami phase and had paper cranes all throughout my room. I went out to Thai tonight (and again, ate WAAAAAAAAAY too much.... But it was so good ^_^ ) and the paper napkins were folded like lotus flowers and looked sensational! Anyway, this reminded me of all the paper cranes and how I used to love origami.

This in turn reminded me of when we read the book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes in primary school, which is such a sad, sad story of Sadako, a 12 year old Japanese girl from Hiroshima who died of Leukemia due to radiation from the Hiroshima atomic bomb, and is one of the best deterrents against nuclear war - the radiation poisoning of children.

It has inspired me to start origami-ing again, and I only hope I can create something such as this:

I have found this awesome book on the bookdepository.co.au called Crease+Fold which I have on order so I shall be able to get my origami on as soon as I arrive back in the West of Australia.

Here is a simple guide to starting your own collection of paper cranes - make them all different colours and sizes.

"This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace on Earth." - Hiroshima Peace Memorial

|| pip ||

samedi 1 janvier 2011

and so it begins (?) with craftspiration

So as I sit here besides my computer-game-playing boyfriend, I am sucked into a frenzy of looking at the Etsy favourites of loulouandoscar. I initially intended to look at potential stationary for the year ahead (who doesn't?), and somehow got drawn away from the kikki k website and onto Etsy.... Sigh. Some habits never die. However, how cute is my new diary for 2011? I was so excited that I started writing anything perceivable into it, including the birthdays of distant relatives, who I never see except at someones funeral and/or baptism.

The diary! And I'd love to accompany it with these uber cute study notes and coat hanger clips ^_^ all from kikki k (lucky there is a store near my house!).

 So, here are some tid bits and bobs for craftspiration contemplation ^_^ I had to limit myself to six pictures, or I could go on and on and on forever!!!

Apple Cosy - So those apples never get smooshed in your bag again! 

Mustache tea cups   
Bunting/strands of old book pages and butterfly cut outs

Bunting ^_^ Self explanatory

Crocheted tree and acorn necklace 

Whale clutch ^_^

All of these things can be found at loulouandoscar on Etsy

|| pip || 

New Year, New Years.... Resolutions?

Hokay - So, as we all kind of can attest to, I am can be a pretty lazy blogger. According to my blog account, my last blog entry was on the something of October >_< meep. Not such a good record. So, as each new year makes its mark in our world, they often bring with them an intrinsic need for many of us to give ourselves a "make over", a promise to become a better person, go on a diet (I so totally have haven't made that resolution, like ever), etc, you get the direction in which my boat floats.

As I will be glued to the seat of a lovely guild office this year (note: aircon and my own computer ^_^ ), amidst the crapness of work and study, I will be making a very concerted effort to get off Facebook, eBay, thebookdepository.com (seriously, amazing site for books, they have like EVERYTHING, AND with free postage worldwide!)and blog more regularly.

Who knows what will make its way into the depths realm of Pip's blog this year? Well, crap, not even I know. But rest assured, there is likely to be a lot of whinging about Pharmacology, Pathology, and a lot of rejoicing over Zombie babies (hint hint Lisa >_^ ) PS - check out my amazing, sometimes-looks-and-cooks-like-a-granny friend Lisa's blog... She;s pretty crafty, and has a way with zombies ^_^

On the zombie note, check out this clip - good for a few light hearted laughs :)

To kick off the New Years Resolution of blogfesting (well, I actually have a second resolution, to craft more (YAY!) and a third, which is to try and exercise everyday, but pfffft, not very interesting, moving on), I thought I'd recap the highlights of the year that was 2010 (for me) :)

I started 2010 in a random club in India, I believe it was Roxy, at the Park Street Hotel in Kolkata, India, with some friends that I had met in India. Some Indian dude thought I was a prostitute and asked my friend if he could buy me for the night. Sort of flattering, but on the other hand, so so wrong. AND for the record, no, I wasn't dressed like a prostitute... I was wearing a black maxi. Go figure.

In May, I turned 21!! Yay! Lots of alcohol was drunk, many presents opened, and one birthday girl carried home by her parents at the end of the night. Thanks Mum and Dad for one very interesting and memorable 21st! Thank you to my two gorgeous girls, Dani and Lisa, for hilarious speeches. Oh yeah, and thanks mum for not crying during your speech. Bah.
Disclaimer: The party was ACTUALLY in June not may due to poor organizing skills on behalf of the birthday girl, but eh, superfluous detail.


Pip, Mummy and Daddy ^_^

Also in May, myself and the WA Make Poverty History Roadtrip Crew set off on the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY Australian Roadtrip, which saw over 1000 young people from across the nation converge on Parliament House in Canberra, meeting with Parliamentarians to discuss International Poverty, and Australia's role in delivering effective aid to areas in need. We went around the country with our Act to End Poverty on which we attained over 40,000 signatures. Pretty epic for a weeks work :)

The "A-Team" at the Perth Town Hall for the Perth Make Poverty History Forum.

Our simple message.

Part of Team WA.

Jody, Melissa Parke (Member of Parliament for Fremantle) and myself (looking crap sick glamorous).

Enough said.

Soon after the Roadtrip, myself and my very good friend, Natha, met K-Rudd himself (when he was still actually PM) at the WA Community Cabinet to chat about poverty, etc, and once again, Australia's role in International Aid, etc. I even got interviewed for TV ^_^ but by the looks on the reporters faces, they didn't get what I was saying or I didn't answer their question >_<

The Prime of Ministers himself. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

On the 16th of September this year, my grandma passed away unexpectedly. She had a nasty fall, bumped her head, and died in her sleep/coma three days later. She was a lovely lady, whose kitchen always smelt amazing (her Christmas cake is to die for!!! We missed her and it dearly this Christmas). Asides from that, she was a wonderful grandma, and will always be missed by her five kids, approximately 14 grandkids (I really can't count) and 10 great grandkids (one of them, Alex, was born only about two days before grandma passed away). We'll always love you grandma.

Agnes Carmel Edmiston. 22 July 1922 - 16 September 2010.

Then guild elections happened!!!! I was approached and nominated for the position of Welfare Officer for the UWA Student Guild, and ended up winning the position (I got the official mail from the AEC about a week ago *squee*. Anyway, this means I get an office a corner of an office, a new PC and a key ^_^. It is sad how little are the things I get excited over.... I so don't struggle at life Oh my life.

Anyway, then exams happened, and of course we all survived. Somehow. Now is holidays, and I am loving the fact that I am in a different state, away from everything! However, my inbox is constantly full of spam and people nagging me to do.... No, actually just spam.

I'm hanging out in the Land of Queens at the moment, and unsure about the tropical weather - I mean, come on!!! It bloody rained on Christmas Day!?!?!? You go to the beach here, and have to swim in these net things because of all the stingers and crap, and the water is like 28* ! Wha.....?! On the flip side, I have been checking out some of the local sites here in Townsville, including the Billabong Sanctuary, where I got to pat a Koala named Ray Charles and cuddle a wombat called Tonka ^_^ I have also been to the "Largest living coral reef aquarium in the World! That's right people, the WORLD!!!" and hung out with some sea turtles, just like the ones off Finding Nemo (totally awesome dude!!!).

Just chillin' with Ray Charles ^_^

Tonka was just sooooo cute!!! Philip, Tonka and myself.

There are no words.

New Years this year was spent at a house party where everyone got pretty tipsy and started playing on one of the housemates pole dancing pole, resulting in many a burn injury to the hands, which I am not exempt from (ashamedly... but to be fair, it was pretty fun :) ).

So ends 2010 and begins 2011. Many fun and games and hard work to be had and done. I shall see you on the flip side. Happy New Years everyone. Hope it was a killer :).

|| pip ||